How do you align ten regionally delivered projects with differing focus topics to nationally consistent outcomes? Take advantage of this opportunity to explore the journey of building and implementing a robust Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) program that showcases regional nuances and aligns national outcomes, making a significant contribution to the success of this horticultural industry extension project.
Join us for an insightful presentation on how a national vegetable extension project focused on adoption of best management practices on-farm, has successfully implemented a dynamic M&E program. Over the two and a half years of project delivery, the national M&E manager, in collaboration with ten regional partners, has crafted a program that demonstrates regional impact consistently on a national scale and adapts to the project's evolving needs.
The presentation will highlight the team's key strategies, including the upskilling of Regional Development Officers in M&E practices. Learn how templates and tools were designed to ensure consistent data collection across approximately 40 topics. The team will share the frameworks utilised to capture quantitative and qualitative monitoring data, providing a holistic view of tracking progress against national and regional outcomes and informing continuous improvement in regional delivery.
Flexibility has been a cornerstone of the M&E program, allowing it to respond to the changing needs of growers, industry, and the funding partner and seamlessly incorporate additional data points. Discover how this adaptability has enhanced the project's overall impact assessment and shaped its delivery strategy.
The presentation will not only delve into the national perspective but also feature a firsthand account from one of the Regional Development Officers. Gain insights into how the M&E program has supported their on-the-ground delivery, instilling confidence in providing data back to the national project manager. This unique perspective offers a real-world understanding of the national program's effectiveness at a regional level.