Conference hashtag #aes24MEL
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:30am - 12:00pm AEST
Authors: Eugenia Marembo

Representatives of First Nations communities have been advocating for changes in the way initiatives are planned, prioritised, and assessed. This includes greater visibility on where funding is going, more partnerships on designing initiatives and more evaluation on the outcomes being achieved, to inform government decision making.

This paper presents key insights on what constitutes good practice when designing and appraising initiatives that affect First Nations people and communities. The National Agreement on Closing the Gap is built around four new Priority Reforms that will change the way governments work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. Priority Reform Three is about transforming government institutions and organisations. As part of this Priority Reform, parties commit to systemic and structural transformation of mainstream government organisations to improve accountability, and to respond to the needs of First Nations people.

The findings presented in this paper draw on insights from consultations with various First Nations community representatives and government stakeholders in New South Wales, and the subsequent process of developing a government department's First Nations investment framework which seeks to strengthen the evidence on what works to improve outcome for First Nations people. Additionally, the frameworks to improve practice across government processes and better inform how initiatives are designed, prioritised and funded.
avatar for Alice Muller

Alice Muller

Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Advisor: FMNR Scale Up, World Vision Australia
An environmental scientist, working in international development, interested in evaluation and learning about all things community, trees, ecosystem restoration, climate action, scaling and systems transformation.  I also really like coffee and chatting about gardening, travel and... Read More →
avatar for Steven Legg

Steven Legg

Associate Director, NSW Treasury
avatar for Eugenia Marembo

Eugenia Marembo

NSW Treasury, Senior Analyst, First Nations Economic Wellbeing
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:30am - 12:00pm AEST
104 113 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia
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