Authors: Dana Cross (Grosvenor ),Kristy Hornby (Grosvenor )"If all you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail." -
Maslow/Kaplan/UnknownMaslow's Hammer (aka the law of the instrument or golden hammer) and
déformation professionnelle are concepts that speak to cognitive biases that can limit our effectiveness. Essentially, they mean that we use what we know and as evaluators, that is evaluation.
How can we as evaluators and commissioners of evaluations avoid cognitive bias and work effectively within (evaluation) policy parameters to ensure we are adding value and not using evaluation as the only tool in our toolbox?
We invite you to join us in a fast-paced interactive session to unpack:
- the ways in which our expertise can get in our way
- explore what it means to stay open to other tools as evaluation professionals and commissioners of evaluation
- how this challenges us as individuals and as a profession.