Authors: John Guenther (Batchelor Institute Of Indigenous Tertiary Education), Anthea Rutter (University of Melbourne, AU), Yvonne Zurynski (Macquarie Univesity, AU)The Evaluation Journal of Australasia (EJA) supports evaluators who wish to share their knowledge and practical experiences in a peer-reviewed article. Documenting evidence, including for programs which do not achieve expected results, is critical for improving evaluation practice, building the evidence base, and advancing evaluation methodologies that are rigorous and ethical.
The EJA depends on volunteer reviewers who can offer critical feedback on articles that are submitted. Reviewers help to improve the quality of manuscripts the Journal receives.
The focus of this presentation is on how to write a good review: how to be academically critical, while at the same time providing constructive feedback that will benefit authors and readers. The presenters will offer step-by-step advice on what to look for, how to judge the quality of a manuscript, and how to make constructive suggestions for authors to consider.
The presentation will also explain how reviewing fits within the publication process, from submission to production. It will be most helpful to potential authors and current and potential reviewers. Authors will learn how to prepare their articles so they receive a favourable review, and reviewers will receive clear guidance on presenting their review feedback to authors.