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Thursday, September 19

11:00am AEST

Culturally inclusive evaluation with culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Australia
Thursday September 19, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am AEST
Author Lena Etuk (CIRCA Research, AU)

In this presentation we will outline an approach to culturally inclusive evaluation with people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in Australia, its strengths, and its growth opportunities. This approach fills a critical gap in the way evaluation and research with culturally and linguistically diverse communities is traditionally conducted in Australia.

In this presentation we will explain how the Cultural & Indigenous Research Centre Australia (CIRCA) conducts in-culture and in-language evaluation with diverse cohorts of Australians, and how this practice fits within the broader methodological discourse in evaluation and social science more broadly. We will illustrate how our culturally inclusive methodology is put into practice with findings from CIRCA's own internal research into the way cultural considerations shape our data collection process. We will conclude with reflections on how CIRCA might further draw on and leverage standpoint theory and culturally responsive evaluation as this practice is further refined.

Our key argument is that doing culturally inclusive evaluation is a process that requires reflexivity and learning, alongside strong and transparent institutional processes. Combining these approaches creates systemic ways of acknowledging and working within stratified and unequal social systems, inherent to any research. Our findings will advance knowledge within the field of evaluation about how to engage and represent culturally and linguistically diverse community members across Australia.
Chair Speakers
avatar for Lena Etuk

Lena Etuk

Director, Research & Evaluation, Cultural & Indigenous Research Centre Australia
I’m an applied Sociologist with 16+ years of experience in evaluation and social research. At CIRCA I lead an amazing team of research consultants from a huge range of diverse backgrounds. We specialise in qualitative evaluation and research with non-English speaking CALD and Aboriginal... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am AEST
101-102 105 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

11:30am AEST

Bringing the "human" into measurement: From in-depth inquiry to systemic change
Thursday September 19, 2024 11:30am - 12:00pm AEST
Authors: Julia Suh (Tobias)

Humans are complex and diverse. To create social change, what do we need to understand about them?

Their behaviours and mindsets are key, but the broader context and systems they operate within paints a fuller picture of the multiple moving parts that need to change simultaneously for sustained impact. These changes can be mapped, with embedded evaluative thinking, building a pathway for formal evaluation.

In this session, experts in Human-Centred Design and social change share their innovative approaches to thinking beyond the project- or program-level goals or organisational level performance indicators. Examples are drawn from direct experiences working across various transformation projects, from reducing child sexual exploitation and preventing academic misconduct to improving the care economy and elevating patient outcomes. They demonstrate how program goals and social change vision can not only be realised together, but also how a combination of strategic prioritisation, collaboration capability building and network can accelerate the process.
avatar for Su-Ann Drew

Su-Ann Drew

Manager, Grosvenor
Su-Ann is a Manager specialising in program evaluation within Grosvenor’s public sector advisory practice. Su-Ann has more than a decade of rich and diverse professional experience, which enables her to offer a unique perspective and critical lens to solving complex problems for... Read More →
avatar for Julia Suh

Julia Suh

Principal, Tobias
avatar for JESSICA LEEFE


Principal, Tobias
Thursday September 19, 2024 11:30am - 12:00pm AEST
104 113 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

11:30am AEST

A new tool for participatory evaluation: A case study of the process of conducting online workshops with young creators with disabilities to tell stories using virtual reality animation
Thursday September 19, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm AEST
Authors: Samantha Abbato (Visual Insights People), Lisa Stafford (University of Tasmania, AU)

Researchers from fields including public health, community, and disability have been utilising film methods such as participatory video and digital storytelling for decades. Co-creation of film narratives for evaluation can engage participants as unique people with lived experiences connected to social and cultural worlds and relationships, including their connection with the community. Evaluation has been reluctant to adopt participatory film methods.

Virtual Reality (VR) animation presents a distinctly participatory approach to evaluation data collection and a new lens for communicating findings. It places the participant in the driver's seat and the evaluation audience, in the passenger seat, alongside them. Using VR stories can increase the potential for the intended audience, including decision-makers, to deeply engage with the information communicated through focused immersion in participant stories using familiarity of local settings.

We present a case study examining the process of collaborating with young people with disabilities to tell their stories of inclusion in Tasmania, Australia. Three young people participated in online storyboarding and script-writing workshops over twelve months to develop short stories of everyday experiences in their community. An introduction to the particpants and their stories, the three completed stories, and a collaborative call to action were made into a set of five connected VR short films. The films were displayed as a report on a website page and for viewing as a complete VR story on a headset.

The presenters examine the process of applying this new VR digital storytelling approach to participatory evaluation. The challenges and benefits of the approach for participants and its impact on the intended audience, including urban planning and design students, are discussed. Using the lessons learned from the case study, recommendations for evaluators considering using participatory digital storytelling and VR animation are made.
avatar for Michael Amon

Michael Amon

Director, Data Policy, Evaluation & Visualisation, Attorney-General’s Department
As with most of us here, I have a passion for evaluation and bringing evidence-based policy to the policy space. I've led and established a few evaluation units/teams in the federal governement. I've also lead policy development branches, learning & development teams, and have a PhD... Read More →
avatar for Samantha Abbato

Samantha Abbato

Director, Visual Insights People
My twenty-plus years of evaluation experience are built on academic training in qualitative and quantitative disciplines, including mathematics, health science, epidemiology, biostatistics, and medical anthropology. I am passionate about effective communication and evaluation capacity-building... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm AEST
103 110 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

12:00pm AEST

Systems evaluation to the rescue!: How do we use systems evaluation to improve societal and planetary wellbeing?
Thursday September 19, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm AEST
Authors: Kristy Hornby (Grosvenor), Tenille Moselen (First Person Consulting)

Systems evaluation - many might have heard the term, but few have done one. This session shares two case studies of different systems evaluations and the learnings from these to benefit other evaluators who are conducting or about to begin a systems evaluation.

The session will open with an overview and explanation of what systems evaluation is, in terms of its key features and how it is distinguished from other forms of evaluation. The presenters will then talk through their case studies, one of which centres on the disability justice system in the ACT, while the other takes a sector-wide focus across the whole of Victoria. The co-presenters will share openly and honestly their initial plans for commencing the systems evaluations, how they had to amend those plans in response to real-world conditions, and the tips and tricks and innovations they picked up along the way.
avatar for Su-Ann Drew

Su-Ann Drew

Manager, Grosvenor
Su-Ann is a Manager specialising in program evaluation within Grosvenor’s public sector advisory practice. Su-Ann has more than a decade of rich and diverse professional experience, which enables her to offer a unique perspective and critical lens to solving complex problems for... Read More →
avatar for Kristy Hornby

Kristy Hornby

Associate Director, Victorian Evaluation Lead, Grosvenor
Kristy has over ten years of evaluation experience, with expertise spanning the Victorian state government, federal government, local government and not-for-profit sectors. She has particular expertise in social services, employment, primary health, agriculture and environment and... Read More →
avatar for Tenille Moselen

Tenille Moselen

First Person Consulting
https://www.fpconsulting.com.au/our-team.htmlTenille has qualifications in public health, with experience in mental health and wellbeing, alcohol and drug and international development. Her passion is creating change through design and bringing stakeholders together to address complex... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm AEST
104 113 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

12:00pm AEST

Optimising Evaluations of Wellbeing Programs in Schools
Thursday September 19, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm AEST
Authors: Tamara Van Der Zant (Australian Council for Educational Research), Katherine Dix (Australian Council for Educational Research, AU)

In this presentation we will discuss the diverse and flexible data collection methods suitable for program evaluation in the context of schools. We will discuss the types of evidence that can be used to evaluate social and emotional learning programs and wellbeing initiatives, specifically, and considerations when working with educators, children and young people. We will invite all to participate in discussions about challenges to the evaluation of these programs in complex, real-world contexts (including data quality, confounding factors, system requirements, etc.) and propose methods we use to navigate these challenges.

Optimising program evaluation methods is important because of the ever-growing number of wellbeing programs being offered to schools. Accordingly, the need for high quality evaluation to guide funding decisions and use of programs and initiatives to support student and educator wellbeing in schools has never been greater.

By drawing on comprehensive experience in undertaking wellbeing program evaluations, this presentation will share our lesson learnt and recommendations that should support evaluators in crafting contextually appropriate evaluations. High quality program evaluations, often a requirement for ongoing funding, addresses the growing need for meaningful and accessible evidence that is currently being sought by schools, educators, funders, and policy decision makers.
avatar for Charlie Tulloch

Charlie Tulloch

Director, Policy Performance
Policy Performance is a proud conference sponsor! Charlie delivers evaluation projects, capability building support and drives public sector improvement. Charlie loves to help those who are new to evaluation or transitioning from related disciplines. He is a past AES Board member... Read More →
avatar for Tamara Van Der Zant

Tamara Van Der Zant

Research Fellow, Australian Council for Educational Research
Tamara is a Research Fellow in the Educational Monitoring and Research Division at ACER. Prior to this role she completed her PhD in emotion research at the University of Queensland. She brings experience in research design, conducting research with diverse populations, broad data... Read More →
avatar for Dr Katherine Dix

Dr Katherine Dix

Principal Research Fellow, School and System Improvement, Australian Council for Educational Research
Dr Katherine Dix is a Principal Research Fellow at ACER, with over 20 years as a program evaluator, educational researcher and Project Director. Dr Dix is the National Project Manager for Australia’s participation in OECD TALIS 2024, and is a leading expert in wellbeing and whole-school... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm AEST
105 109 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

1:30pm AEST

Scaling Impact: How Should We Evaluate the Success of a Scaling Journey?
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm AEST
Authors: John Gargani (Gargani + Co)

The world has never faced larger problems—climate change, refugee crises, and Covid19, to name just three. And organizations have responded by scaling solutions to unprecedented size—sustainable development goals, global refugee policies, and universal vaccination programs. But scaling is a journey to a destination imperfectly imagined at the onset and difficult to recognize upon arrival. At what point is scaling a program, policy, or product successful? Under what conditions should scaling stop? Or "descaling" begin? Robert McLean and I posed these and other questions to innovators in the Global South and shared what we learned in our recent book *Scaling Impact: Innovation for the Public Good*. In this session, we outline the book's four research-based scaling principles—justification, optimal scale, coordination, and dynamic evaluation. Then we discuss how to (1) define success as achieving impact at optimal scale, (2) choose a scaling strategy best suited to achieve success, and (3) judge success with dynamic evaluation. My presentation goes beyond the book, reflecting our most current thinking and research, and I provide participants with access to free resources, including electronic copies of the book.
avatar for Carolyn Wallace

Carolyn Wallace

Manager Research and Impact, VicHealth
Carolyn is an established leader in health and community services with over 22 years of experience across regional Victoria, Melbourne, and Ireland. She has held roles including CEO, executive director, policy officer, and researcher, specialising in community wellbeing and social... Read More →
avatar for John Gargani

John Gargani

President (former President of the American Evaluation Association), Gargani + Company
Dr John Gargani is an evaluator with 30 years of experience and eclectic interests. He is President of the evaluation consulting firm Gargani + Company, served as President of the American Evaluation Association in 2016, coauthored the book Scaling Impact: Innovation for the Public... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm AEST
106 102 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

1:30pm AEST

The Art of Qualitative Sensemaking: Exploring New Methods
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm AEST
Authors: Alli Burness (Tetra Tech), Sharon Marra-Brown (ARTD, AU), Matt Health (First Person Consulting, AU), Monica Wabuke (Tetra Tech, FJ)

Sensemaking is the process of making meaning and distilling the signal from the noise in primary research. Inclusive and transparent sensemaking ensures the critical link is maintained between evidence and insights, that evidence is interpreted correctly, and the views of participants are understood correctly. Using intentional sensemaking approaches with integrity can ensure transparency and logical rigor in an evaluation or research project.

Despite its critical nature, sensemaking can often be the most opaque step in an evaluation process. While replication is a hallmark of good sensemaking, especially in academia, this is not always feasible in the fast-paced world of evaluation. The time required to do sensemaking well, the importance of applying the correct approaches and engaging the correct parties, and the critical role of a lead facilitator can be overlooked or underestimated. By shining a spotlight on this step in an evaluation, this session will highlight inclusive and accessible sensemaking approaches used across the design and evaluation spectrum to identify new or emergent approaches. It will pay particular focus to sensemaking when working in complex systems.

Panellists bring deep experience in evaluation or design research in Australian or international consulting settings. They will touch on what sensemaking approaches can be used to maintain integrity through a rapid or agile sensemaking process common in large or complex evaluations; popular sensemaking processes for coding data and new or emerging methods; and how insights or recommendations emerge from the sensemaking process. The moderator will start the panel by reflecting on the definitions, understanding and application of sensemaking, with an emphasis on inclusive and accessible aspects. Our presenters will then explore methods through this same lens and with a focus on emergent or new approaches. Methods will be presented in a manner that audience members can learn and apply.

Janet Conte

Principal Evaluation Officer, DPIRD
I live in Perth (Boorloo) and have 3 children. I really enjoy being a co-convenor of the WA branch of the AES with Lisette Kaleveld. I'm interested learning more about systems evaluation and building an evaluation culture.
avatar for Matt Healey

Matt Healey

Principal Consultant, First Person Consulting
My career in evaluation started fairly traditionally. I joined a small firm as a Research Assistant in early 2014 with no idea what evaluation was, or what I was in for! Since then I have:Co-founded and grown an organisation (First Person Consulting) to a team of 16 people working... Read More →
avatar for Sharon Marra_Brown

Sharon Marra_Brown

Director, ARTD Consultants
Curious for a living - evaluation specialist, combining technical excellence with emotional intelligence.Talk to me about working in health, mental health and suicide prevention, working with lived and living experience researchers, my decade plus in the public service or how I weave... Read More →
avatar for Monica Wabuke

Monica Wabuke

Associate Director - Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Practice, Tetra Tech International Development - Asia Pacific
Monica Wabuke is an Associate Director within Tetra Tech’s Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Practice (RME). She brings 14 years of experience in design, monitoring and evaluation and has provided technical support to DFAT, MFAT, EU, USAID and World Bank-funded projects and programs... Read More →
avatar for Alli Burness

Alli Burness

Director, Australian Consulting, Tetra Tech
Alli is an Australian strategic designer and researcher with settler heritage, born and living on Bunurong Country. As Director of the Australian Consulting Practice at Tetra Tech International Development, Alli works with a First Nations team to support relational approaches across... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm AEST
105 109 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

2:30pm AEST

Monitoring and Evaluation Journeys: Making footprints, community-based enterprise in Australian First Nations contexts
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm AEST
Authors: Donna-Maree Stephens (Community First Development ),Sharon Babyack (Community First Development, AU)

As First Nations' economies grow and develop, wayfinding of monitoring and evaluation frameworks that meaningfully address the holistic outcomes of First Nations' economic independence are a necessity. Culturally responsive monitoring and evaluation frameworks provide footprints for distinct ways of thinking about the holistic and significant contribution that First Nations' economies make to their communities and the broad Australian economic landscape.
Presenting findings from an organisation with more than 20 years of experience working alongside First Nations' communities and businesses grounded in collective and community focused outcomes, this presentation will highlight key learnings of monitoring and evaluation from First Nations' enterprises. It is an invitation to explore and rethink notions of success by drawing on experiences and Dreams (long-term goals) for community organisations, businesses and journeys towards positive outcomes alongside the role of one culturally responsive monitoring and evaluation approach. Our presentation will provide an overview of our work in the community economic development space and key learnings developed through our monitoring and evaluation yarns with First Nations' enterprises across a national First Nations' economic landscape that includes urban, regional and remote illustrations.
avatar for Kathleen Stacey

Kathleen Stacey

Managing Director, beyond…(Kathleen Stacey & Associates)
Kathleen Stacey is the Managing Director and Principal Consultant at beyond... She spent her formative working years within the public sector and academia, before establishing and expanding beyond... into its current form. The company conducts consultancy, evaluation, research and... Read More →
avatar for Sharon Babyack

Sharon Babyack

General Manager Impact & Strategy, Community First Development
My role at Community First Development involves oversight of research, evaluation, communications and effectiveness of the Community Development program. During my time with the organisation I have led teams to deliver major change processes and strategic priorities, have had carriage... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm AEST
104 113 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

2:30pm AEST

A long road ahead: Evaluating long-term change in complex policy areas. A case study of school active travel programs in the ACT
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm AEST
Authors: Mallory Notting (First Person Consulting)

The ACT Government implemented a suite of programs over the ten year period between 2012 and 2022 aiming to increase the rates of students actively travelling to and from school. 102 schools in the ACT participated in at least one of the three programs during this time which targeted well-known barriers to active travel, including parental perceptions of safety and infrastructure around school. The programs were intended to contribute towards a range of broader priorities, including health, safety, and environmental outcomes.

This short-paper session will share learnings from evaluating long-term behaviour change at a population level, based on the school active travel evaluation. The evaluation represents a unique case study, as the evaluators needed to look retrospectively over ten years of program delivery and assess whether the combination of programs had created changes within the system and had resulted in the achievement of wider goals.

The presenter will illustrate that the line between short-term and long-term outcomes is rarely linear or clear, as is the relationship between individual interventions and whole of system change. This will be done by summarising the approach taken for the evaluation and sharing the diversity of information collated for analysis, which included individual program data and attitudinal and infrastructure-level data spanning the whole school environment.

Evaluators are often only able to examine the shorter term outcomes of an intervention, even in complex policy areas, and then rely on a theory of change to illustrate the assumed intended wider impacts. The presenter was able to scrutinise these wider impacts during the active travel evaluation, an opportunity not regularly afforded to evaluators. The lessons from the active travel evaluation are therefore pertinent for other evaluations in complex policy areas and may carry implications for program design as the focus shifts increasingly towards population-level, systems change.

avatar for Carolyn Wallace

Carolyn Wallace

Manager Research and Impact, VicHealth
Carolyn is an established leader in health and community services with over 22 years of experience across regional Victoria, Melbourne, and Ireland. She has held roles including CEO, executive director, policy officer, and researcher, specialising in community wellbeing and social... Read More →
avatar for Mallory Notting

Mallory Notting

Principal Consultant, First Person Consulting
Mallory is a Principal Consultant at First Person Consulting. She manages and contributes to projects primarily in the area of cultural wellbeing, social inclusion, mental health, and public health and health promotion. In 2023, Mallory was the recipient of the Australian Evaluation... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm AEST
106 102 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

3:30pm AEST

Reflections by a non-analyst on the use of state-wide data sets and modelled data in evaluation
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm AEST
Authors: Gabby Lindsay-Smith 

Using linked Government data sets provide an opportunity to investigate the impact of state-wide programs and policies but are often out of reach for many evaluators, and especially non-analysts. This presentation will detail a non-analyst’s experience incorporating state linked data sets into a recent evaluation of a Victorian-wide family services program evaluation. The presentation will outline tips and tricks for those who may consider incorporating government-level linked data or simulation models into large program or policy evaluations in the future. It will cover areas such as: where to begin, navigating the data and key tips for working with analysts.
avatar for Claire Grealy

Claire Grealy

Director, Rooftop Social
So looking forward to AES 2024! We are Silver Sponsors this year, which means we're keeping your devices charged up through the conference, and you'll find us next to the charging stations. I welcome any and all conversation about evaluation, strategy and design, research, facilitation... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm AEST
104 113 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia
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