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Thursday, September 19

11:30am AEST

Social Impact Measurement & Evaluation – the similarities & differences that complement our journey to more fit-for-purpose destinations.
Thursday September 19, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm AEST
Authors: Laura Glynn (Simna)

The measurement space has seen many new actors, terms, approaches and “gold standards” emerge in the last two decades. More than ever before has it become difficult to navigate and explore our intended destination in the space of measurement and evaluation. What schools of thought are worth exploring? What value do they offer to an existing evaluation skillset? We are also traversing through heightened levels of complexity, with cost of living, environmental and society fabric crises. In this busy and crowded environment, the Social Impact Measurement Network (SIMNA) led panel will seek to explore the similarities and differences between evaluation and social impact measurement (SIM) as mindsets to help steer us towards our destination.

The panel will involve 3 speakers from diverse sectoral backgrounds – government, not-for-profit, and private spheres, all commenting (broadly) on the questions: Are evaluation and social impact measurement the same? To what extent do they differ? How can they complement one another? While the questions themselves will be more nuanced than that, the answers will hold broad value for attendees in considering how they can bring complementary approaches and mindsets to navigating the work they do in measurement and evaluation. The panellists will draw on their unique perspectives across different sectoral and practice spaces to discuss this complementarity.

Mary Ann Wong

Research Specialist, California State University, Sacramento
avatar for Caitlin Barry

Caitlin Barry

Principal Consultant, Caitlin Barry Consulting
Caitlin has extensive experience in monitoring and evaluation and holds a Masters of Evaluation (First Class Honours) from the University of Melbourne and an Environmental Science Degree (Honours) from James Cook University. The focus of Caitlin's presentation will be from her work... Read More →
avatar for Elliott Tester

Elliott Tester

Board Member & Assistant Director of Strategic Evaluation, SIMNA & NDIA
avatar for Gerard Atkinson

Gerard Atkinson

Director, ARTD Consultants
I am a Director with ARTD Consultants with expertise in:- program and policy evaluation- workshop and community facilitation- machine learning and AI- market and social research- financial and operational modelling- non-profit, government and business strategyI am also a board member... Read More →
avatar for Paula Simões dos Santos

Paula Simões dos Santos

Senior Evaluation Advisor, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
avatar for Sandra Opoku

Sandra Opoku

Senior Manager Evaluation and Social Impact, Relationships Australia Victoria
My role leads impact, evidence and innovation activities at Relationships Australia Victoria. These activities contribute to achieving strategic objectives and improving outcomes for individuals, families and communities. This now also includes oversight of several key prevention... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm AEST
106 102 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

1:30pm AEST

The Art of Qualitative Sensemaking: Exploring New Methods
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm AEST
Authors: Alli Burness (Tetra Tech), Sharon Marra-Brown (ARTD, AU), Matt Health (First Person Consulting, AU), Monica Wabuke (Tetra Tech, FJ)

Sensemaking is the process of making meaning and distilling the signal from the noise in primary research. Inclusive and transparent sensemaking ensures the critical link is maintained between evidence and insights, that evidence is interpreted correctly, and the views of participants are understood correctly. Using intentional sensemaking approaches with integrity can ensure transparency and logical rigor in an evaluation or research project.

Despite its critical nature, sensemaking can often be the most opaque step in an evaluation process. While replication is a hallmark of good sensemaking, especially in academia, this is not always feasible in the fast-paced world of evaluation. The time required to do sensemaking well, the importance of applying the correct approaches and engaging the correct parties, and the critical role of a lead facilitator can be overlooked or underestimated. By shining a spotlight on this step in an evaluation, this session will highlight inclusive and accessible sensemaking approaches used across the design and evaluation spectrum to identify new or emergent approaches. It will pay particular focus to sensemaking when working in complex systems.

Panellists bring deep experience in evaluation or design research in Australian or international consulting settings. They will touch on what sensemaking approaches can be used to maintain integrity through a rapid or agile sensemaking process common in large or complex evaluations; popular sensemaking processes for coding data and new or emerging methods; and how insights or recommendations emerge from the sensemaking process. The moderator will start the panel by reflecting on the definitions, understanding and application of sensemaking, with an emphasis on inclusive and accessible aspects. Our presenters will then explore methods through this same lens and with a focus on emergent or new approaches. Methods will be presented in a manner that audience members can learn and apply.

Janet Conte

Principal Evaluation Officer, DPIRD
I live in Perth (Boorloo) and have 3 children. I really enjoy being a co-convenor of the WA branch of the AES with Lisette Kaleveld. I'm interested learning more about systems evaluation and building an evaluation culture.
avatar for Matt Healey

Matt Healey

Principal Consultant, First Person Consulting
My career in evaluation started fairly traditionally. I joined a small firm as a Research Assistant in early 2014 with no idea what evaluation was, or what I was in for! Since then I have:Co-founded and grown an organisation (First Person Consulting) to a team of 16 people working... Read More →
avatar for Sharon Marra_Brown

Sharon Marra_Brown

Director, ARTD Consultants
Curious for a living - evaluation specialist, combining technical excellence with emotional intelligence.Talk to me about working in health, mental health and suicide prevention, working with lived and living experience researchers, my decade plus in the public service or how I weave... Read More →
avatar for Monica Wabuke

Monica Wabuke

Associate Director - Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Practice, Tetra Tech International Development - Asia Pacific
Monica Wabuke is an Associate Director within Tetra Tech’s Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Practice (RME). She brings 14 years of experience in design, monitoring and evaluation and has provided technical support to DFAT, MFAT, EU, USAID and World Bank-funded projects and programs... Read More →
avatar for Alli Burness

Alli Burness

Director, Australian Consulting, Tetra Tech
Alli is an Australian strategic designer and researcher with settler heritage, born and living on Bunurong Country. As Director of the Australian Consulting Practice at Tetra Tech International Development, Alli works with a First Nations team to support relational approaches across... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm AEST
105 109 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

3:30pm AEST

Growing Australia's future evaluators: Lessons from emerging evaluator networks across the Asia Pacific
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm AEST
Authors: Amanda Mottershead (Tetra Tech International Development), Qudratullah Jahid (Oxford Policy Management Australia, AU),Eroni Wavu (Pacific Community, FJ)

The sustainability of the evaluation sector requires emerging evaluators to be supported in pursuing high-quality practice. What this support needs to be and how it should be developed is much less certain. What topics should we focus on? How should we deliver it? Who should we deliver it to? How can the broader evaluation community support emerging evaluators?

Global experiences in emerging evaluator support contain a treasure trove of lessons which can fill this knowledge gap and inform effective support here in Australia. Experiences show that fostering a strong evaluation community, that includes emerging evaluators, can nurture, ignite and shape future evaluation practices. A variety of approaches are being adopted across the region, and the globe, to foster this sense of community, that range from formal approaches to capacity building to more informal approaches that focus on experience sharing.

In this session, we bring together current and former emerging evaluator leaders from across the Asia Pacific region to answer some of these questions and understand what approaches could work best for the Australian context. This will include presentations and discussion on in-demand topics, how to formulate support, how to target emerging evaluators and the best means of delivery. The session will be highly interactive, engaging the audience in a question-and-answer forum on this important topic. All panel members have been engaged with emerging evaluator networks in their countries or regions and bring diverse experiences to facilitate cross learning. The session will provide practical ways forward for the broader evaluation community to grow and support the future of evaluation.
Chair Speakers
avatar for Qudratullah Jahid

Qudratullah Jahid

Senior MEL Consultant, Oxford Policy Management
I am a monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning specialist with a background in bilateral and multilateral development organisations. With expertise in MEL frameworks and systems, I support OPM projects in the Indo-Pacific. My focus areas include MEL frameworks, mixed methods... Read More →
avatar for Amanda Mottershead

Amanda Mottershead

Consultant - Research, Monitoring and Evaluation, Tetra Tech International Development
I enjoy the breadth of evaluation in international development. I've had the opportunity to work across sectors including economic development, infrastructure, energy, education and inclusion. I enjoy generating evidence that promotes improvements to organisations, policies and programs... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm AEST
Plenary 1 114 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

3:30pm AEST

Committed to mentoring
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm AEST
Authors: Julie Elliott (Independent Evaluator), Jill Thomas (J.A Thomas & Associates, AU), Martina Donkers (Independent Evaluator, AU)

Mentors and mentees from the AES Group Mentoring Program share rich experiences of group learning, knowledge sharing, and reflective practice, exploring the Wayfinding skills, knowledge, and expertise they have found through the program and the valuable lessons learned.

AES remains committed to mentoring, and this session provides a unique opportunity to hear perspectives across the mentoring spectrum, from Fellows to emerging evaluators, and the ways that sharing our professional practice enhances our work. Since 2021, the AES Group Mentoring Program has been a trailblazer in fostering professional growth and competencies for emerging and mid-career evaluators, enabling mentors and peers to help navigate unfamiliar territories, incorporating various tools and strategies.

Our dynamic panel will discuss how evaluators have adapted their approaches to mentoring and to evaluation practice with the support of the program. It's a session where personal and professional growth intersect and will offer a unique perspective on the transformative power of mentorship.

This discussion is for evaluators who are passionate about learning - both their own and that of other AES members! Whether you're a seasoned professional eager to contribute to your community, an emerging talent or a mid-career evaluator navigating contemporary evaluation ecosystems, this session is for you. Don't miss this opportunity to hear directly from mentors and mentees who value the shared, continuous journey of social learning and adaptation.

avatar for Laura Holbeck

Laura Holbeck

Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Manager, Australian Humanitarian Partnership, Alinea International
avatar for Julie Elliott

Julie Elliott

Collaborator and evaluation scholar-practitioner committed to acknowledging the complexity inherent in all human settings.
avatar for Rick Cummings

Rick Cummings

Emeritus Professor, Murdoch University
Rick Cummings is an Emeritus Professor in Public Policy at Murdoch University. He has 40 years of experience conducting evaluation studies in education, training, health, and crime prevention primarily for the state and commonwealth government agencies and the World Bank. He currently... Read More →
avatar for Martina Donkers

Martina Donkers

Independent Evaluator
I'm an independent freelance evaluator with a background in program design, grants, and science communication. I have a Master of Evaluation, and I'm finding my sweet spot in qualitative and mixed methods evaluation with a complexity and systems lens. I like rubrics, semi-structured... Read More →
avatar for Lydia Phillips

Lydia Phillips

Principal Consultant, Lydia Phillips Consulting
I operate an independent consulting practice, providing evaluation and social policy services to community organisations and government.With a background in law and social policy, I have more than 15 years' experience building and using evidence in order to create positive social... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm AEST
103 110 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia
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