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Thursday, September 19

10:30am AEST

National impact, regional delivery - Robust M&E for best practice Australian horticulture industry development.
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:00am AEST
Authors: Ossie Lang (RMCG ),Donna Lucas (RMCG ),Carl Larsen (RMCG ),Zarmeen Hassan (AUSVEG ),Cherry Emerick (AUSVEG ),Olive Hood (Hort Innovation )

How do you align ten regionally delivered projects with differing focus topics to nationally consistent outcomes? Take advantage of this opportunity to explore the journey of building and implementing a robust Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) program that showcases regional nuances and aligns national outcomes, making a significant contribution to the success of this horticultural industry extension project.

Join us for an insightful presentation on how a national vegetable extension project focused on adoption of best management practices on-farm, has successfully implemented a dynamic M&E program. Over the two and a half years of project delivery, the national M&E manager, in collaboration with ten regional partners, has crafted a program that demonstrates regional impact consistently on a national scale and adapts to the project's evolving needs.

The presentation will highlight the team's key strategies, including the upskilling of Regional Development Officers in M&E practices. Learn how templates and tools were designed to ensure consistent data collection across approximately 40 topics. The team will share the frameworks utilised to capture quantitative and qualitative monitoring data, providing a holistic view of tracking progress against national and regional outcomes and informing continuous improvement in regional delivery.

Flexibility has been a cornerstone of the M&E program, allowing it to respond to the changing needs of growers, industry, and the funding partner and seamlessly incorporate additional data points. Discover how this adaptability has enhanced the project's overall impact assessment and shaped its delivery strategy.

The presentation will not only delve into the national perspective but also feature a firsthand account from one of the Regional Development Officers. Gain insights into how the M&E program has supported their on-the-ground delivery, instilling confidence in providing data back to the national project manager. This unique perspective offers a real-world understanding of the national program's effectiveness at a regional level.
Chair Speakers
avatar for Ossie Lang

Ossie Lang

Consultant-Regional Development Officer, RMCG
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:00am AEST
101-102 105 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

12:00pm AEST

Getting to the value add: Timely insights from a realist developmental evaluation
Thursday September 19, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm AEST
Authors: Phillip Belling (NSW Department of Education), Liam Downing (NSW Department of Education, AU)

This paper is aimed at early career and experienced evaluators interested in realist evaluation, but with concerns about the time a realist approach might take. The authors respond to this concern with an innovative blending of realist and developmental evaluation. Participants will exit the room with a working understanding of realist developmental evaluation, including its potential for adaptive rigour that meets the needs of policy makers and implementers.

Realist evaluation is theoretically and methodologically robust, delivering crucial insights about how, for whom and why interventions do and don't work (House, 1991; Pawson & Tilley, 1997; Pawson, 2006). It aims to help navigate unfamiliar territory towards our destination by bringing assumptions about how and why change happens out in the open.

But even realism's most enthusiastic practitioners admit it takes time to surface and test program theory (Marchal et al., 2012; van Belle, Westhorp & Marchal, 2021). And evaluation commissioners and other stakeholders have understandable concerns about the timeliness of obtaining actionable findings (Blamey & Mackenzie, 2007; Pedersen & Rieper, 2008).

Developmental evaluation (Patton, 1994, 2011 2021; Patton, McKegg, & Wehipeihana, 2015) is more about what happens along the way. It appeals because it provides a set of principles for wayfinding in situations of complexity and innovation. Realist and developmental approaches do differ, but do they share some waypoints to reliably unpack perplexing problems of practice?

This paper documents a journey towards coherence and rigour in an evaluation where developmental and realist approaches complement each other, and deliver an evidence base for program or policy decision-making that is not only robust but also timely.

We show that, in complex environments, with programs involving change and social innovation, realist developmental evaluation can meet the needs of an often-varied cast of stakeholders, and can do so at pace, at scale, and economically.
avatar for Vanessa Hood

Vanessa Hood

Associate Director, Rooftop Social
I've been working as a facilitator and evaluator for over 20 years, in a wide range of contexts, including horticulture, sustainability and financial literacy. Duncan Rintoul and I run Rooftop Social, which provides consulting services in evaluation, social research, facilitation... Read More →
avatar for Phillip Belling

Phillip Belling

Evaluation Capacity Building Lead, NSW Department of Education
Talk to me about evaluation transforming lives and enabling social change. Talk to me about realist, developmental, embedded, responsive evaluation in education systems in Australia and in Southeast Asia. Talk to me about using ECB to transform teaching practice and the impact of... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm AEST
Plenary 1 114 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

1:30pm AEST

Evaluation by Stealth: Insights from Embedded Evaluation Practice
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm AEST
Authors: Samiha Barkat (Launch Housing) Edgar Daly (Launch Housing)

Embedded evaluation roles challenge conventional boundaries between evaluator, commissioner, strategist, advocate, program manager and critical friend.

Three years into establishing an embedded impact and evaluation team at a large not-for-profit community service organisation, Samiha and Edgar share their insights on operating as internal evaluators to advance their organisation’s mission. They draw from their recent projects, including developing and implementing an award-winning impact measurement framework. Central to their learnings is the importance of valuing relationships with diverse stakeholders and maintaining an adaptive approach.

Their insights are particularly valuable for organisations seeking to enhance the effectiveness, cost-efficiency, and impact of their evaluation services, including internal evaluation teams, program managers, and executives from both non-government and government organisations.

Samiha and Edgar work for Launch Housing, a secular Melbourne-based community organisation that delivers homelessness services and life-changing housing supports to disadvantaged Victorians. Launch Housing employs over 400 staff and runs more than 50 programs aimed at ending homelessness in Melbourne.
avatar for Kathleen Stacey

Kathleen Stacey

Managing Director, beyond…(Kathleen Stacey & Associates)
Kathleen Stacey is the Managing Director and Principal Consultant at beyond... She spent her formative working years within the public sector and academia, before establishing and expanding beyond... into its current form. The company conducts consultancy, evaluation, research and... Read More →
avatar for Samiha Barkat

Samiha Barkat

Group Manager - Research, Evaluation and Data, Launch Housing
I am a development and social impact professional with over 17 years’ experience working for both the private and not-for-profit sectors globally.I am currently leading the Research and Evaluation team at Launch Housing, a large homelessness not-for-profit in Melbourne and a Board... Read More →
avatar for Edgar Daly

Edgar Daly

Monitoring & Evaluation Lead, Launch Housing
I have worked extensively in evaluation, including as a consultant and in embedded roles within government and the community services sector, specialising in developmental and mixed-methods evaluations. Currently I am the Monitoring and Evaluation Lead at Launch Housing, a large homelessness... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm AEST
104 113 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

1:30pm AEST

Scaling Impact: How Should We Evaluate the Success of a Scaling Journey?
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm AEST
Authors: John Gargani (Gargani + Co)

The world has never faced larger problems—climate change, refugee crises, and Covid19, to name just three. And organizations have responded by scaling solutions to unprecedented size—sustainable development goals, global refugee policies, and universal vaccination programs. But scaling is a journey to a destination imperfectly imagined at the onset and difficult to recognize upon arrival. At what point is scaling a program, policy, or product successful? Under what conditions should scaling stop? Or "descaling" begin? Robert McLean and I posed these and other questions to innovators in the Global South and shared what we learned in our recent book *Scaling Impact: Innovation for the Public Good*. In this session, we outline the book's four research-based scaling principles—justification, optimal scale, coordination, and dynamic evaluation. Then we discuss how to (1) define success as achieving impact at optimal scale, (2) choose a scaling strategy best suited to achieve success, and (3) judge success with dynamic evaluation. My presentation goes beyond the book, reflecting our most current thinking and research, and I provide participants with access to free resources, including electronic copies of the book.
avatar for Carolyn Wallace

Carolyn Wallace

Manager Research and Impact, VicHealth
Carolyn is an established leader in health and community services with over 22 years of experience across regional Victoria, Melbourne, and Ireland. She has held roles including CEO, executive director, policy officer, and researcher, specialising in community wellbeing and social... Read More →
avatar for John Gargani

John Gargani

President (former President of the American Evaluation Association), Gargani + Company
Dr John Gargani is an evaluator with 30 years of experience and eclectic interests. He is President of the evaluation consulting firm Gargani + Company, served as President of the American Evaluation Association in 2016, coauthored the book Scaling Impact: Innovation for the Public... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm AEST
106 102 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

3:30pm AEST

Constructing a Wisdom Base: A Hands-On Exploration of First Nations Knowledge Systems
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm AEST
Authors: Skye Trudgett (Kowa ),Haley Ferguson (Kowa, AU),Tara Beattie (Kowa, AU),Levi McKenzie-Kirkbright (Kowa, AU),Jess Dart (Clear Horizon, AU)

In the pursuit of understanding and honouring the depth of First Nations wisdom, this hands-on session at the AES conference introduces the Ancestral Knowledge Tapestry —a living guide for developing a repository of ancestral knowledge, practices, and philosophies. Participants will actively engage in co-creating a 'Wisdom Base,' a collective endeavour to encapsulate the richness of old and new First Nations knowledges and their application to contemporary evaluative practices.

Through interactive exercises, collaborative dialogue, and reflective practices, attendees will delve into the components of the Ancestral Knowledge Tapestry, exploring the symbiosis between deep knowing, artefacts, deep listening and truth-telling. The session aims to empower participants, particularly those from First Nations communities, to identify, document, and share their unique wisdom in ways that foster self-determination and cultural continuity.
Attendees will emerge from this workshop not only with a deeper appreciation for the intrinsic value of First Nations knowledge systems but also with practical insights into how to cultivate a Wisdom Base that not only preserves but actively revitalises First Nations wisdom for future generations.

avatar for Sandra Ayoo

Sandra Ayoo

Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina Greensboro
Dr. Ayoo is an Assistant Professor of Educational Research Methodology in the Department of Information, Library, and Research Science at the School of Education, University of North Carolina Greensboro. She teaches graduate courses in program evaluation and research methodology... Read More →
avatar for Skye Trudgett

Skye Trudgett

CEO, Kowa
Skye is a Gamilaroi researcher who has contributed to numerous evaluations and research projects including place-based, systems change and government initiatives. Skye has a particular interest in Indigenous Data Sovereignty & Governance and seeks to support the practical application... Read More →
avatar for Levi McKenzie-Kirkbright

Levi McKenzie-Kirkbright

Software Engineer, Kowa Collaboration
Software engineer at Kowa investigating how to implement Indigenous data sovereignty principles into software systems.
avatar for Tara Beattie

Tara Beattie

Consultant, Kowa Collaboration
Tara Beattie is a dedicated professional who is passionate about fostering positive change in Community.  As a Consultant at Kowa Collaboration, Tara leads projects designed to empower organisations in First Nations UMEL practices, aligning with Kowa's commitment to amplifying First... Read More →
avatar for Jess Dart

Jess Dart

Chief Evaluator and Founder, Clear Horizon Consulting
Dr Jess Dart is the founder and Chief Evaluator of Clear Horizon, an Australian-based specialist evaluation company. Having received the 2018 Outstanding Contribution to Evaluation Award from the Australian Evaluation Society (AES), Jess is a recognised leader with over 25 years of... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm AEST
106 102 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

3:30pm AEST

Committed to mentoring
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm AEST
Authors: Julie Elliott (Independent Evaluator), Jill Thomas (J.A Thomas & Associates, AU), Martina Donkers (Independent Evaluator, AU)

Mentors and mentees from the AES Group Mentoring Program share rich experiences of group learning, knowledge sharing, and reflective practice, exploring the Wayfinding skills, knowledge, and expertise they have found through the program and the valuable lessons learned.

AES remains committed to mentoring, and this session provides a unique opportunity to hear perspectives across the mentoring spectrum, from Fellows to emerging evaluators, and the ways that sharing our professional practice enhances our work. Since 2021, the AES Group Mentoring Program has been a trailblazer in fostering professional growth and competencies for emerging and mid-career evaluators, enabling mentors and peers to help navigate unfamiliar territories, incorporating various tools and strategies.

Our dynamic panel will discuss how evaluators have adapted their approaches to mentoring and to evaluation practice with the support of the program. It's a session where personal and professional growth intersect and will offer a unique perspective on the transformative power of mentorship.

This discussion is for evaluators who are passionate about learning - both their own and that of other AES members! Whether you're a seasoned professional eager to contribute to your community, an emerging talent or a mid-career evaluator navigating contemporary evaluation ecosystems, this session is for you. Don't miss this opportunity to hear directly from mentors and mentees who value the shared, continuous journey of social learning and adaptation.

avatar for Laura Holbeck

Laura Holbeck

Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Manager, Australian Humanitarian Partnership, Alinea International
avatar for Julie Elliott

Julie Elliott

Collaborator and evaluation scholar-practitioner committed to acknowledging the complexity inherent in all human settings.
avatar for Rick Cummings

Rick Cummings

Emeritus Professor, Murdoch University
Rick Cummings is an Emeritus Professor in Public Policy at Murdoch University. He has 40 years of experience conducting evaluation studies in education, training, health, and crime prevention primarily for the state and commonwealth government agencies and the World Bank. He currently... Read More →
avatar for Martina Donkers

Martina Donkers

Independent Evaluator
I'm an independent freelance evaluator with a background in program design, grants, and science communication. I have a Master of Evaluation, and I'm finding my sweet spot in qualitative and mixed methods evaluation with a complexity and systems lens. I like rubrics, semi-structured... Read More →
avatar for Lydia Phillips

Lydia Phillips

Principal Consultant, Lydia Phillips Consulting
I operate an independent consulting practice, providing evaluation and social policy services to community organisations and government.With a background in law and social policy, I have more than 15 years' experience building and using evidence in order to create positive social... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm AEST
103 110 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

3:30pm AEST

The learning journey: competency self-assessment for personal learning and profession development
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm AEST
Authors: Amy Gullickson (University of Melbourne), Taimur Siddiqi (Victorian Legal Services, AU)

AES in collaboration with learnevaluation.org offers a competency self-assessment to members. The aim to help individuals understand their strengths and plan their learning journey, to help the AES continue to tailor its professional development offerings and develop pathways to professionalisation, and to contribute to ongoing research about evaluation learners. In this session, members of the AES Pathways Committee will briefly summarise the findings from the self-assessment and then invite participants into groups by their discipline and sector to discuss: Which competencies are really core and why? Reporting out from groups will will reveal whether the core competencies differ based on the sectors/background of the evaluators. The follow up discussion will then explore: What do the findings mean for evaluation practice, and teaching and learning? How do they relate to professionalisation? If we want to increase clarity about what good evaluation practice looks like - what are our next steps related to the competencies?

Participants will benefit from reflecting on their own competency self-assessment in relation to the findings and discussion, and discovering how the backgrounds of learners influences their ideas about core competencies. The session findings will be shared with the AES Pathways Committee to inform AES' next steps for the competencies, self-assessment, and ongoing discussion of pathways to professionalisation.

avatar for Peter Bowers

Peter Bowers

Assistant Director, Australian Centre for Evaluation (ACE)
I am part of the Australian Centre for Evaluation in Commonwealth Treasury that was set up to increase the volume, quality and use of evaluation across the Commonwealth government. I have a particular interest in RCTs. Come and speak to me if you would like to run an RCT in your... Read More →
avatar for Amy Gullickson

Amy Gullickson

Associate Professor, The University of Melbourne
I'm an Associate Professor of Evaluation at the University of Melbourne Assessment and Evaluation Research Centre. I'm also a co-founder and current chair of the International Society for Evaluation Education https://www.isee-evaled.com/, a long-time member of the AES Pathways Committee (and its predecessors), and an architect of the University of Melbourne’s fully online, multi-disciplinary, Master and Graduate Certificate of Evaluation programs https://study.unimelb.edu.au/find/courses/graduate/master-of-evaluation/ .I practice, teach, and proselytize evaluation... Read More →
avatar for Taimur Siddiqi

Taimur Siddiqi

Evaluation manager, Victorian Legal Services Board+Commissioner
Taimur is an experienced evaluation and impact measurement professional who is currently the evaluation manager at the Victorian Legal Services Board + Commissioner and a member of the AES Board Pathways Committee. He is also a freelance evaluation consultant and was previously the... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:30pm - 4:30pm AEST
105 109 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia
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