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Wednesday, September 18

11:00am AEST

Evaluation that adds value for People and Planet: Perspectives, Challenges, and Opportunities for Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Africa.
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am AEST
Authors: Awuor PONGE (African Policy Centre (APC) )

Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) in Africa have long been marginalized and undervalued, despite their potential to offer sustainable solutions to pressing challenges faced by communities across the continent. This presentation explores the perspectives, challenges, and opportunities for incorporating IKS into evaluation practices that create value for both people and the planet.

From a people-centric perspective, IKS offer a holistic and culturally relevant approach to understanding local contexts, priorities, and value systems. By embracing these knowledge systems, evaluations can better capture the multidimensional nature of well-being, including spiritual, social, and environmental aspects that are often overlooked in conventional evaluation frameworks. However, challenges arise in reconciling IKS with dominant Western paradigms and navigating power dynamics that have historically suppressed indigenous voices.

From a planetary perspective, IKS offer invaluable insights into sustainable resource management, biodiversity conservation, and climate change adaptation strategies that have been honed over generations of lived experiences. Integrating these knowledge systems into evaluation can shed light on the intricate relationships between human activities and ecosystem health, enabling more informed decision-making for environmental sustainability. Nonetheless, challenges exist in bridging the divide between traditional and scientific knowledge systems, as well as addressing concerns around intellectual property rights and benefit-sharing.

This presentation will explore innovative approaches to overcoming these challenges, such as participatory and community-based evaluation methodologies, capacity-building initiatives, and cross-cultural dialogue platforms. By fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding of IKS, evaluation practices can become more inclusive, relevant, and effective in creating value for both people and the planet in the African context.

avatar for Alice Muller

Alice Muller

Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Advisor: FMNR Scale Up, World Vision Australia
An environmental scientist, working in international development, interested in evaluation and learning about all things community, trees, ecosystem restoration, climate action, scaling and systems transformation.  I also really like coffee and chatting about gardening, travel and... Read More →
avatar for Awuor Ponge

Awuor Ponge

Senior Associate Research Fellow, African Policy Centre (APC)
Dr. Awuor Ponge, is a Senior Associate Fellow, in-charge of Research, Policy and Evaluation at the African Policy Centre (APC). He is also the Vice-President of the African Evaluation Association (AfrEA). He holds a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree in Gender and Development Studies... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 11:30am AEST
104 113 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

11:00am AEST

Innovating Value for Money: Finding Our Way to Greater Value for All
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm AEST
Authors: John Gargani (Gargani + Co ),Julian King (Julian King & Associates, NZ)

In this participatory session, we pose the question, "How should evaluators innovate the practice of value-for-money assessment to meet the needs of an expanding set of actors that include governments, philanthropists, impact investors, social entrepreneurs, program designers, and Indigenous and First Nations communities?" We begin by framing value for money as an evaluative question about an economic problem. How well are we using resources, and are we using them well enough to justify their use? Then we suggest new methods intended to help innovate the practice of value for money based on our body of published and current research spanning over 10 years.
These include new methods that (1) produce "holistic" assessments of value for money, (2) reflect rather than hide multiple value perspectives even when values conflict, (3) estimate social benefit-cost ratios without monetizing benefits or costs, and (4) adjust monetary and nonmonetary value for risk using Bayesian methods. Along the way, we facilitate discussions with participants, asking them to consider if, how, and by whom these innovations should be pursued, and what other innovations may be needed. We provide participants with access to a collection of our published and draft papers, and invite them to comment and continue our discussion after the conference.
avatar for Jade Maloney

Jade Maloney

Partner & CEO, ARTD Consultants
I work with government agencies, not-for-profits and citizens to co-design, refine, communicate and evaluate social policies, regulatory systems and programs. I am passionate about ensuring citizens have a voice in shaping the policies that affect their lives, translating research... Read More →
avatar for Julian King

Julian King

Director, Julian King & Associates
I’m an independent public policy consultant based in Auckland. I specialise in evaluation and Value for Investment. I’m affiliated with the Kinnect Group, Oxford Policy Management, the University of Melbourne and the Northern Institute. Subscribe to my weekly blog at https:/... Read More →
avatar for John Gargani

John Gargani

President (former President of the American Evaluation Association), Gargani + Company
Dr John Gargani is an evaluator with 30 years of experience and eclectic interests. He is President of the evaluation consulting firm Gargani + Company, served as President of the American Evaluation Association in 2016, coauthored the book Scaling Impact: Innovation for the Public... Read More →
avatar for Farida Fleming

Farida Fleming

Evaluation Principal, Assai
I'm an evaluator with over 25 years of experience in international development. I'm currently one of a core team supporting DFAT implement its Evaluation Improvement Strategy.
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm AEST
105 109 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

11:30am AEST

Culturally Responsive Initiatives: Introducing the First Nations Investment Framework
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:30am - 12:00pm AEST
Authors: Eugenia Marembo

Representatives of First Nations communities have been advocating for changes in the way initiatives are planned, prioritised, and assessed. This includes greater visibility on where funding is going, more partnerships on designing initiatives and more evaluation on the outcomes being achieved, to inform government decision making.

This paper presents key insights on what constitutes good practice when designing and appraising initiatives that affect First Nations people and communities. The National Agreement on Closing the Gap is built around four new Priority Reforms that will change the way governments work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. Priority Reform Three is about transforming government institutions and organisations. As part of this Priority Reform, parties commit to systemic and structural transformation of mainstream government organisations to improve accountability, and to respond to the needs of First Nations people.

The findings presented in this paper draw on insights from consultations with various First Nations community representatives and government stakeholders in New South Wales, and the subsequent process of developing a government department's First Nations investment framework which seeks to strengthen the evidence on what works to improve outcome for First Nations people. Additionally, the frameworks to improve practice across government processes and better inform how initiatives are designed, prioritised and funded.
avatar for Alice Muller

Alice Muller

Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Advisor: FMNR Scale Up, World Vision Australia
An environmental scientist, working in international development, interested in evaluation and learning about all things community, trees, ecosystem restoration, climate action, scaling and systems transformation.  I also really like coffee and chatting about gardening, travel and... Read More →
avatar for Steven Legg

Steven Legg

Associate Director, NSW Treasury
avatar for Eugenia Marembo

Eugenia Marembo

NSW Treasury, Senior Analyst, First Nations Economic Wellbeing
Wednesday September 18, 2024 11:30am - 12:00pm AEST
104 113 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

12:00pm AEST

Enhancing Stakeholder Engagement Through Culturally Sensitive Approaches: A Focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities
Wednesday September 18, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm AEST
Authors: Mark Power (Murawin ),Carol Vale (Murawin, AU)

This presentation explores the paramount importance of culturally sensitive engagement methodologies in ensuring meaningful contributions from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to mission programs. Murawin, an Aboriginal-led consultancy, has developed a robust Indigenous Engagement Strategy Framework grounded in the principles of reciprocity, free, informed and prior consent, mutual understanding, accountability, power sharing, and respect for Indigenous knowledge systems. Our session aims to share insights into the necessity of prioritising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices in engagement, co-design, and research, highlighting the significance of cultural competence in fostering mutual respect and understanding.
We will discuss three key messages: the imperative of deep knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in engagement practices; the success of co-design processes in facilitating genuine and respectful engagement; and the strategic partnership with CSIRO to enhance cultural competence and inclusivity in addressing Indigenous aspirations and challenges. These points underscore the critical role of acknowledging cultural interactions and ensuring cultural sensitivity in building strong, respectful productive relationships with Indigenous communities.
To achieve our session's objectives, we have designed an interactive format that blends informative presentations with the analysis of case studies, complemented by engaging intercultural discussions. This approach is intended to equip participants with actionable insights drawn from real-world examples of our collaborative ventures and co-designed projects. Through this comprehensive exploration, we aim to enrich participants' understanding of successful strategies for engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, ultimately contributing to the achievement of more inclusive and impactful outcomes in mission programs and beyond.

avatar for Jade Maloney

Jade Maloney

Partner & CEO, ARTD Consultants
I work with government agencies, not-for-profits and citizens to co-design, refine, communicate and evaluate social policies, regulatory systems and programs. I am passionate about ensuring citizens have a voice in shaping the policies that affect their lives, translating research... Read More →
avatar for Carol Vale

Carol Vale

CEO & Co-founder, Murawin, Murawin
Carol Vale is a Dunghutti entrepreneur, businesswoman, CEO and co-founder of Murawin, who’s passion, determination and commitment have driven her impressive 40-year career as a specialist in intercultural consultation, facilitation, and participatory engagement, and an empathetic... Read More →
avatar for Mark Power

Mark Power

Director, Evaluation & Research, Murawin
Mark is an experienced researcher with more than 20 years of experience in Australia and the Pacific. Mark manages Murawin’s evaluation and research practice and leads multiple evaluations for a variety of clients. Mark has overseen more than 30 high-profile, complex projects funded... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm AEST
105 109 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

12:00pm AEST

Valuing First Nations Cultures in Cost-Benefit Analysis
Wednesday September 18, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm AEST
Authors: Laura Faulker (NSW Treasury)

This paper presents the key findings from research and engagement on how cost-benefit analysis (CBA) has been applied to First Nations initiatives to date. CBA is an important tool used by governments to help prioritise budget funding decisions. It assesses the potential impacts of an initiative - economic, social, environmental, and cultural - to determine whether it will deliver value for money.

The paper explores the methods in which the value of First Nations cultures has been incorporated into CBAs, along with the associated challenges and opportunities to improve current practice. The findings have informed the development of an investment framework for the design and evaluation of initiatives that affect First Nations people and communities. The framework focuses on the key principles for embedding First Nations perspectives and ensuring culturally informed evaluative thinking.

avatar for Christina Kadmos

Christina Kadmos

Principal, Kalico Consulting
avatar for Laura Faulkner

Laura Faulkner

Senior Analyst, First Nations Economic Wellbeing, NSW Treasury
Wednesday September 18, 2024 12:00pm - 12:30pm AEST
103 110 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

2:30pm AEST

If treaty is like a marriage, state evaluation needs sustained deep work: Evaluation and Victoria's First Peoples Treaty
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm AEST
Authors: Kate Nichols (Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions - Victoria), Milbert Gawaya (Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions, AU)

First Peoples/settler state treaties have been likened to marriage - an evolving and changeable (political) relationship, not an endpoint or divorce (Blackburn, 2007). But what does this look like in practice given marriage's checkered connection with power imbalance and violence through to romance and deep, trusting companionship?

Contemporary colonial 'settlerism' (after Aunty/Dr Lilla Watson, in Watego, 2021) is undergoing structural change in Victoria, with Victoria's First Peoples sitting down with the Victorian State Government in 2024 to commence statewide treaty negotiations. Treaty is an acknowledgement that British sovereignty did not extinguish Aboriginal sovereignty, opening-up a "third space of sovereignty" (after Bruyneel, 2007) where co-existing sovereigns can further contest the "sovereignty impasse" (ibid., 2007), while Indigenous people control their own affairs.

Treaty is expected to reshape how the Victorian state government operates, challenging state laws, institutions, policies, programs and processes, which together, have contributed to First Nations disadvantage and suffering. Government evaluation practices will need their own shake-up.

How can public sector evaluators help establish an equal, strong and nourishing treaty marriage? This short paper shares emerging ally insights into how local practices are evolving to support Victoria's Treaty and self-determination. It shares reflections from a recent evaluation of Traditional Owner grant programs, conducted in partnership between key Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal public sector staff. It is a story of both-ways practice and the time, trust and bravery required to achieve deep change. It also highlights the role of lifelong cultural learning and behaviour change for ally evaluators. Culturally responsive evaluation, Indigenous research practices, restorative justice and the AES First Nations Cultural Safety Framework provide useful framing. Although focused on the Victorian treaty context, the paper may be transferable to other jurisdictions and evaluations involving or impacting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in support of their sovereignty and self-determination.
ion trainers and facilitators.
avatar for Martina Donkers

Martina Donkers

Independent Evaluator
I'm an independent freelance evaluator with a background in program design, grants, and science communication. I have a Master of Evaluation, and I'm finding my sweet spot in qualitative and mixed methods evaluation with a complexity and systems lens. I like rubrics, semi-structured... Read More →
avatar for Kate Nichols

Kate Nichols

Senior Evaluator, Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources
I've been a practising evaluator since Missy Elliot released 'Work it' which a) reveals a bit too much about my age, but b) gives you a sense of how much I'm into this stuff. I've recently returned to an evaluation role in the Victorian public sector after working in a private sector... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm AEST
105 109 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

4:30pm AEST

Uncovering Hidden STEM Footprints: Leveraging Output Data from Questacon’s Outreach Programs
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:30pm - 5:00pm AEST
Authors: Jake Clark (Questacon - The National Science and Technology Centre), Jenny Booth (Questacon - The National Science and Technology Centre, AU), Sharon Smith (Questacon - The National Science and Technology Centre, AU), Nick Phillis (Questacon - The National Science and Technology Centre, AU)

Join our Monitoring and Evaluation team on an exciting journey as we delve into the untapped potential of output data in evaluation and how to reach beyond the 'low-hanging fruit'.

Notwithstanding to the importance of evaluating outcomes to measure program success, monitoring implementation and reach of initiatives is fundamental to good program management and evaluation. Output data on activity reach, target groups and participants often hold hidden gems of potential that are frequently overlooked. In this presentation we shine a spotlight on its significance and actionable tips to elevate monitoring data.

Our objective is to make this exploration enjoyable and enlightening, especially for foundational to intermediate level evaluators. We offer practical and universally applicable strategies for making the most of output data on to enhance program insights.


Using existing tools and tapping into open-source data sets you can create powerful visualisations and draw deeper inferences about your program reach and participants.

I. Understanding equity and inclusion
• A better understanding of who is and isn't involved in your initiative.
• Looking for patterns using socio-demographic variables.
• Benchmarking your initiative against relevant population data.

II. Connecting outputs to outcomes
• Analysing participant characteristics and program journey to illuminate differences in outcomes.
• Uncover program and policy questions that need further exploration.

Design of the Session: Drawing tangible examples from the education and informal learning STEM sector, we bridge the gap between theory and practice. Real-world strategies are shared to encourage active participation along with useful resource links.
Chair Speakers
avatar for Jake Clark

Jake Clark

Senior Monitoring and Evalution Officer, Questacon - National Science and Technology Centre
What value does STEM outreach bring to an individual? How does it change someone's attitude/behaviour/disposition around STEM? And how do you quantify such probing questions? These are the types of queries I'm answering in my Senior Evaluation Officer role at Australia's National... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:30pm - 5:00pm AEST
104 113 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia

4:30pm AEST

Navigating the choppy waters of the evaluation landscape in the Pacific
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:30pm - 5:30pm AEST
Authors: Allan Mua Illingworth (Mua'akia Consulting and Insight Pasifika) Fiona Fandim (Pacific Community (SPC), FJ), Eroni Wavu (MEL Officer for Pacific Women Lead at Pacific Community (SPC) and cofounder of the Fiji Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Community), Mereani Rokotuibau (Balance of Power Program, FJ) and Chris Roche (La Trobe University),

In recent years there have been a number of Pacific driven initiatives designed to promote monitoring and evaluation practice which is culturally and contextually appropriate. These have occurred with projects and programs as well as at national and regional levels. At the same time geo-political interest in the Pacific region has resulted in an increased number of bi and multilateral donor agencies becoming present in the region and/or funding development programs, local organisations, national governments and regional bodies. This has in turn led to an evaluation landscape where notions of 'international best practice' as well as donor policies and practices and associated international researcher and consulting companies, risk crowding out emergent Pacific led evaluation initiatives.

This panel will bring together key participants who are leading four examples of these Pacific experiences: the Rebbilib process initiated by the Pacific Community (SPC ), Insight Pasifika (an emerging Pacific led and owned collective focused on evaluation in the first instance): the Fiji Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Community and the Balance of Power program (a Pacific-led initiative, supported by the Australian Government, focused improving the political, social and economic opportunities for women and girls) each of whom are seeking to create space for processes of monitoring, evaluation and learning which are consistent with Pacific ways of knowing and being. They will share their experience, the challenges they face and ideas about what forms of support might be provided by international donors, consultants and advisors which are enabling rather than undermining.

Moderated by Prof. Chris Roche the panel and audience will also draw out the lessons from these four cases about what might contribute to more systemic change in the evaluation landscape more generally.
avatar for Charlie Tulloch

Charlie Tulloch

Director, Policy Performance
Policy Performance is a proud conference sponsor! Charlie delivers evaluation projects, capability building support and drives public sector improvement. Charlie loves to help those who are new to evaluation or transitioning from related disciplines. He is a past AES Board member... Read More →
avatar for Allan Mua Illingworth

Allan Mua Illingworth

Adjunct Research Fellow, La Trobe University
Allan Mua Illingworth is a Monitoring and Evaluation specialist of Pacific Island heritage with a long career of international development experience and an extensive network of contacts who have worked to support development regionally and across many Pacific Island countries over... Read More →
avatar for Chris Roche

Chris Roche

Professor of Development Practice, La Trobe University
I am Professor Development Practice with the Centre for Human Security and Social Change at La Trobe University - (https://www.latrobe.edu.au/socialchange) - and former Deputy Director of the Developmental Leadership Program (www,dlprog.org) and member of the intellectual leadership... Read More →
Wednesday September 18, 2024 4:30pm - 5:30pm AEST
106 102 Convention Centre Pl, South Wharf VIC 3006, Australia
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